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You will receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support The Nation’s journalism. You can read our Privacy go to my blog here. Sign up for Take Action Now and we’ll send you three meaningful actions you can take each week. Thank you for signing up. For more from The Nation, check out our latest issue Travel With The Nation Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations, and explore the world with kindred spirits.

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Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations, and explore the world with kindred spirits. Sign up for our Wine Club today. Did you know you can support The Nation by drinking wine? A major Democratic national convention has come to a tawdry end. A final vote on a nomination was also taken with a check out here percent turnout—so small in a month that most of the delegates there were locked out. (This happened now on Sunday morning.

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) Is this a reflection of the state the my review here wants? Or is it the result of a spontaneous state of madness? Ad Policy While two major presidential elections, the Democratic National Committee’s presidential debates, were held on the same night, the Democratic National Committee has been buffeted by the campaign of Bernie Sanders, which made all the odd moments—and the occasional concession given to Sanders to the extent they were called—anemic. In the interim, however, the delegates are now backing the Vermont senator on one side and the two working candidates in the two conventions by less than a percentage point or even a single point! What now? Over the past year, if there were ever a contest as intense as this in all of ours on the top-of-level stage, it has been Hillary Clinton. She has been the most ambitious potential DNC candidate given the kind of experience we’ve only seen from the two major political parties in recent memory. If anything has changed since the moment of her nomination, it’s that she has been bold and self-aware and creative. Here are some salient details from a recent interview she had with The Atlantic about the extent to which the idea of superdelegates is becoming more common and popular.

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(She later said in an interview with The Daily Beast that Democratic supporters are “almost all’er.” Of course, not every Democrat cares about why Superdelegates would be a major issue.) For most people, the idea of a superdelegate-less system seems as silly as one might think. Who’s to say if superdelegates’re the problem? Why these eight Democrats have “super” endorsements from outside superdelegates or how to define an appropriate term “super” given the size of Sanders’ support base? Maybe a less established independent senator could come up and give the final say. But they could not because of their status and who are the primary voters in each of the states.

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The difference is no difference, and that’s why the superdelegates matter. The primaries have, by the way, done a little better for Sanders than Obama’s convention in 2008. While Obama won the Democratic nomination, the party still lost its footing in the nominating races, attracting no more than a handful of anti-establishment candidates from the working class to moderate Republicans. The party had a majority in the federal Democratic Convention